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i failed to qualify for jee 2010.i got 160 marks.now i am really determined to crack jee at any cost.my performance in aiee was also average.acc to my cet results i am gettin a good college in my state in cse branch.so i am planning to crack jee along with 1st year.as my college would start in the first week of sept.i have around 40 days full time.also during my college days i would get around 7 hrs everyday for jee preparation.please advice on how should i go abt it what are the books to follow in this one year and how should i plan the 7 hrs for that particular day.i am really ready to struggle for iit and i would like to acheive it at any cost and i am ready to work hard for that.plz rply on how shud i plan and wat books to follow and when shud i finish my portion.i really want to crack jee.if at any cost i miss jee then i atleast want to get below 1000 rank in aieee.the books i have are;maths-das gupta,tmh,objective approach to arihant(vol 1&2)by amit agarwal,mtg (calculus and coord geo)by ,arihant algebra by sk goyal.ia maron calculus,sl loney trig an coord geo.physics-ncert,hc verma,dcpandey,resnick and hallidaychemistry-organic;solomons,jagadanba singhinorganic;optandon ,jdleephysical;p bahadur,op tandonplease advise me on which books i need to use in these 8 months for my preparation from this list.also i am weak in maths.how to go abt it.its a long post but plz reply.thanks in advance for reply.

ADITYA BATTU , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Aditya,

These books are good for making base good ..the standard is 11th and 12th .. i think you shud select the which seems understandable to you .. no need to go many books ... and do alot of practise .. it is only solution to be good in maths .. 


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