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sir,can u tell me about M S Ramaiah Isntitute of Technology in Banglore.i hav not given comedk. plz tell me how can i get admission into dis. and tell me about the donation also. plz reply soon

dhruv kumar , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Suraj Prasad

Last Activity: 10 Years ago

M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology was started in 1962 by the late Dr. M.S. Ramaiah, our Founder Chairman who was a renowned visionary, philanthropist, and a pioneer in creating several landmark infrastructure projects in India. Noticing the shortage of talented engineering professionals required to build a modern India, Dr. M.S. Ramaiah envisioned MSRIT as an institute of excellence imparting quality and affordable education. Part of Gokula Education Foundation, MSRIT has grown over the years with significant contributions from various professionals in different capacities, ably led by Dr. M.S. Ramaiah himself, whose personal commitment has seen the institution through its formative years. Today, MSRIT stands tall as one of India’s finest names in Engineering Education and has produced around 35,000 engineering professionals who occupy responsible positions across the globe.

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