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sir i want to ask you are all nits same? Keeping in mind their placements, studies, college lifeand most important do they have same brand value???

Abhishek Bhandari , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Pratham Ashish

Last Activity: 15 Years ago

hi abhishek,

ur query is quite understandable,,,,

at first ,i must say all nits r different n all hav different image n brand values.......placements vary very sharoly when u compare nit trichy wid nit patna or raipur,,,,in terms of infrastructure, trichy,warangal,surathkal , r better dan other nits... so we can't put all nits in d same category.....for brand value,i will say one thing hw 20 institutes all over d country can hav same brand value,,,,,,when u compare nit patna wid nit warangal, placements r 100% at warangal, but at nit patna it is around 60-70%....so u can think of d situtation very well after seeing dis example....

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