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sir,i m interested towards space side .but taken ece as my branch in vit. is there any possibility that i can link up with space side ,sir i mean to ask would it have any value that after doing my graduation in ece and then may be post graduation in aerospacewould thst make up a suitable link up???

shubham koundinya , 14 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
Ramesh V

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

ECE at VIT is a gud branch. Every thing in world is related somewat to electronics. ECE is a inter branch technical field. From here you can go to any field. But u have to show some interest in avionics and do some projects related to avionics/aerpospace. then u get very easy admission into Aerospace field at PG level

all the best




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