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I did my schooling from a reputed school in delhi in science stream with a score of 96.6% in the cbse boards.I was always passionate about engineering.But unfortunately i was unable to crack the JEE and also my aieee rank was not respectable(about 60,000).I hav applied for a BSc maths/Bsc Chemistry/Economic honours from the best colleges in Delhi University ie. in St. stephens and SRCC.I also appeared in the IP university CET,but the result is still to come.Now i am really confused about whether i should go for the above mentioned degrees in these top colleges or should i go for my btech degree from an average college?If a get a good rank in IP CET should i go for their top colleges like MAIT,MSIT or USIT?Or at my rank in aieee is a better college available for me?I may rethink about my passion if the stephens or srcc degree assures me a better future.And another think is that i dont want to drop this year.I request worthy suggestions in solving my dilemma.please reply at the earliest.Thanks

Prabhat Mishra , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
AskIITians Expert PRASAD IIT Kharagpur

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Future is in your hand.

First of all your success depends on the effort and hard work you put.

Both options are equally good. The main thing is how you perform in the  course you choose.

After completing the course you can surely go for higher studies at good institutes like IIT.

So please assess your interests and choose the course.


Best of Luck !!!

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