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sir, my jee air 4003 , i am intrested in BHU ICAN GET BTECH MECH or comp(DUAL DEGREE).but ISAW SAW THAT PLACEMENT OF Mtech students is lower than btech students . help me in my choice !!!!

harshit aggarwal , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Prudhvi teja

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Harshit

Placement of Mtech students is lower than Btech students , this is because mtech students get admission throught GATE where as btech students get admission through JEE.So In general some companies give preference to b.tech students than M.tech students.For dual degree students they have almost same placements compared to b.tech students.

In non technical jobs companies prefer btech a little more than dual degrees,where as technical companies prefer dual degree students than btech students.So you can say that overall placements are same.

I suggest choose branch you like in both of them.

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All the best.

Askiitians Experts
Prudhvi Teja

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