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i just want to know that bits pilani which is reputed to 6th position all over india is reputed just because of its name and fame or because of its abilityi just want to know that bits pilani which is reputed to 6th position all over india is reputed just because of its name and fame or because of its abilityi just want to know that bits pilani which is reputed to 6th position all over india is reputed just because of its name and fame or because of its ability

ayush ashwani , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Askiitians Expert Saurav Bhattacharya- IIT Kharagpur

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Ayush Ashwani,

BITS Pilani is reputed to be India's best private college rankings providing quality education and degree to meritorious students coming to study here from all over India.
Its true that it is said to be the 6th best Engineering College in India. Now, one would obviously start to think about the credibility of that statement. My suggestion is, do the research yourself.
  • Go to the college site. 
  • Look at the faculty strength in the department you have interest in (look at their credentials i.e. how many PhD's etc)
  • Try to find to find the teacher-student ratio (ideally 1:8 is decent for today's education framework)
  • Also you may have some certain other points in mind for the college where you would want to do your engineering. Therefore factors like, sight-seeing place in and around Pilani etc. are perfectly valid :).
  • Placements are also another concern of students while looking for their college of choice. You may also keep that in mind. However, let that not be your primary concern. As far as I know BITS provides some very good placements, and is par with many IITs regarding Job salaries.

If you are looking at admission into BITS-P, I would suggest go along. I have got friends in BITS Pilani, and they have definitely not regretted their decision. In fact they are more than happy. I hopw so will you be.

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Difficult to understand - post it here and we will get you the answer and detailed solution very quickly. We 
are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation. 

All the best Ayush !!!


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