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Hi . I have got 9000 all india rank in aieee . Should I go for Thapar University , Patiala or Daiict , Gandhinagar looking at all the points like i would get Instrumentation in thapar and moreover the fees of Thapar is just double so if there is not a big difference in TU and Daiict then I can go for Daiict ?

reha rai , 15 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
ashish kumar

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


Dear Reha,

The best college among the all given above is undoubtedly Thapar University. The main aim of every student is to get a good job with a high package after graduating nobody goes to a college just to geta degree. Money shouldnt be a prime concern at this stage as the course also which you are getting at Thapar is very good having good scope towards research.

Thank you.


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