
shud i prefer an MSc dual deg course at pilani campus or shud i go for a branch like eee or eei in goa campus of bits

shud i prefer an MSc dual deg course at pilani campus or shud i go for a branch like eee or eei in goa campus of bits

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Prudhvi teja
83 Points
14 years ago

Dear Aakirti

I personally feel taking eee or eei is better than taking MSc dual deg courses at pilani. Because you can have alot of job opportunities in this field compared to them and you also have option of doing M.S in foreign , if you want to go to foreign.In terms of infrastructure there wont be much difference between pilani and goa.

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Askiitians Experts

Prudhvi Teja

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