Vijay Luxmi Askiitiansexpert
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
Dear Ankit,
Time Management is key to success .. you dont need any book to understand the time management.. First of all make all your concepts clear ... always start from BASICS because "without base, there will be no altitude… Never prefer solutions of questions before doing SELF-ATTEMPT at least five times till you get the right answer because "without fall you can not stand at once".. And then start doing practise, with enuf practise your speed for solving queries will automaticaly increase. All the Best for your Future !.
Please feel free to post as many doubts on our disucssion forum as you can. If you find any question difficult to understand - post it here and we will get you the answer and detailed solution very quickly. We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation.
Best of Luck !
Askiitians Expert
Vijay Luxmi