
My cousin has got AIR 8588 (General Category) in IIT - JEE ? What branches can he he expect to get in IITs, IT BHU , ISM Dhanbad? His rank in AIEEE is AIR 17500, what could be the probable options through this? Awaiting an early response as IIT counselling already started

My cousin has got AIR 8588 (General Category) in IIT-JEE? What branches can he he expect to get in IITs, IT BHU, ISM Dhanbad? His rank in AIEEE is AIR 17500, what could be the probable options through this? Awaiting an early response as IIT counselling already started

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Vasanth SR
askIITians Faculty 1335 Points
7 years ago
There is possible option available from BHU

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