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I am in 12th standard. i have joined fiitjee in south delhi and i have to go mon-sat from 8;00-2:00pm. i reac home at 3 pm. what is the best planning for me? we are going to get over with iit course in august last. i am not confident with 11th class course. also i like to concentrate more on theor. what should i do from now to get under 900 rank in jee?

mahim dwivedi , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Kishan IIT Kharagpur

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Mahim

It is important that you first get your basics right. So it is very important that you clear the backlog of 11th standard before you accelerate with class 12 courses for JEE.

I would advice you finish your coaching and put close to 6-8hours of studies everyday. Take about 2 hours of time to revise what is taught to you in the class on that particular day and utilise the rest of the time to read through your concepts taught in class XI and try and solve problems till you reach a comfort level with those concepts.

You will have to keep revising and re-revising all your concepts of class XI very regularly as a lot of concepts in classXII are a continuation or is allied to your basics.

Obtaining a rank of 900 in JEE is a very tough task. After your coaching in august last week, you will have to make sure you try and put in as many hours as possible, not less than 12hrs on any day. You will have to do rigorous preparation everyday till IIT JEE exam in order be confident of a good rank.


Kishan S Srinivas

Askiitians Expert

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