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SirI am in deep trouble.CBSE says that they take utmost care while evaluation of answers.Sir, I expected number 243 in AIEEE (from FIITJEE solutions) but the Number I got is just 235 due to which I got rank 6151 else I would have got approx 5000 rank. What should I do?Due to CBSE I may not be able to enter the DCE/DTU. I am very tensed please reply soon. I belong to general category from Bihar.Thanks

abhay anand , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Amit Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Abhay,

With this rank you may not get the DCE .. as cut off for DCE is around 1500. But your rank is quite good , and you will surely get some NIT.

Closing and opening rank of all the NIT’s:


AIEEE cut off, you can check here:


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