
i have got 1289 rank in jee . what should i opt for..............

i have got 1289 rank in jee . what should i opt for..............


1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear Akhil

you can take aerospace ,chemical in iit bombay

Chemical in IIT delhi

Aerospace,chemical in IIT kanpur

AErospace,chemical and mechanical with 5 year m teck in iit madras

mechanical engineering and 5 year m tech in electrical in IT kharagpur

Mechanical ,electrical in IIT roorkee.


I will suggest you to try for first mechanical in IIT kharagpur,then 5 year m tech in electrical in IIT kharagpur then electrical and mechanical n IIT roorkee.

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 All the best.
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