Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> Jadavpur Electronics or Kharagpur metallu...
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Hello,My IITJEE'10 rank is 3488 and WBJEE'10 rank is 70. If I don't get good stream in the old IITs, should I opt for Electronics in Jadavpur University (Kolkata) or anything at the new IITs??? Plz reply at the earliest...

Aveek Biswas , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Kishan IIT Kharagpur

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Aveek

Please do not have any second thoughts and simply join IIT Kharagpur. There is a world of difference between an IIT and local colleges and you ll regret not having joined it when you have the opportunity. If you are extremely interested in studies, you can study and score well and get a department change to any department of your choice at the end of first year. In any case, please do not think of leaving a seat in IIT when you have the chance.


Kishan S Srinivas

Askiitians Expert

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