
is it possible for a person who's pursuing chemical engineering to switch to computer engineering in IIT? In which year is this possible? Please throw some light on this..

is it possible for a person who's pursuing chemical engineering to switch to computer engineering in IIT?

In which year is this possible?

Please throw some light on this..



1 Answers

Anshul Verma
64 Points
14 years ago



You can have a branch change done after first year . But branch change is subject to 


1: Your performance in the first year .

2: Availability of seats in the desired branch of your choice .


so in order to change a branch you should perform really good in your first two sem's and also there should be seats in CS branch so that you can occupy that seat.


feel free to post as many doubts you have we wud he happy to help .


All the best !!



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