
Are the ranks indicated in the opening and closing rank list final? Isnt there a possiblity of variation? According to it mechanical dhanbad closes at 5680 and cs dhanbad at 5300,my rank is 5701 so can i get them???

Are the ranks indicated in the opening  and closing rank list final?

Isnt there a possiblity of variation? According to it mechanical dhanbad closes at 5680 and cs dhanbad at 5300,my rank is 5701 so can i get them???


1 Answers

Anshul Verma
64 Points
14 years ago

Hi Kanishka ,

this list have been created by a panel of IITians with their past experience and knowledge and as the results are out to they are almost accurate . There is surely a chance of slight deviation though.


As your rank is kind of pretty close to that mentioned in the list ou might have a chance .


All the best !!!!




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