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sir,how was jee 2010 as compared to jee 2009 and jee2008 acc to ur experts. ppl are saying that it was tough as compared to 2009 and that cut offs will lower by 10%. how was jee2010 as compared to jee2008 taking into consideration:increased no of ques with same difficulty levellengthy calculations in phy and mathstough maths paperso was it tough or compareable to 2008 and will the cut offs be same as 2008 or different?

atharva b. , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Anshul Verma

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Hi Atharva 


its right that this year was a bit tough then last year and comparable to 2008 . As about cutoffs they might be similar but as of now we can just predict it . Final word will come only when the results are out .


You can check out below links for more details 



Click the link below link for opening and closing rank of IIT :


Cutoff in new IITs  check the link give below :



feel free to post as many doubts you have we wud be happy to help . 


All the best !!!



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