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I got 1945 rank in JEE 2009.Is it OK to get a good branch like mechanical or chemical in the top 5 IITs excluding Madras & Guwahati?What is the scope in CHEMICAL? Is it intersting for a guy having a bit of interst in chemistry what we study for our entrance examinations?What about CIVIL? What one needs to do exactly in this field?Plz suggest.

Himanshu Gupta , 15 Years ago
Grade Upto college level
anser 1 Answers
ashish kumar

Last Activity: 15 Years ago


Dear Himanshu,

See what you are going to study at IIT in 1st year will be just an elaboration of what you already know. Towards the second year, the courses become too hectic so dont opt for things in which you are quite less interested. You seem to be not at all interested in Chemical. CIvil Engineering at the top 3 colleges i.e Delhi, Kanpur or Mumbai will be a much good option for you.

Thank you.

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