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I was quite satisfied with your previous response about Mtech and MBA dual degrees.Now, i would also like to know upto what highest executive level does MTech from IIT engineer go? After some years in research in a company is there a scope for higher job and position like the CEO/MD ? Is this state more easily attained from an MBA degree from the IIMs??My basic focus is that I dont want to stick myself permanently to research n field work jobs but want a senior level position directing and taking decision. Is only a science background not enough for the same?My question may sound absurd but thats probably the doubt which most of the younsters today must be having.Thanks and Regards

Siddharth Bhattbhatt , 14 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Kishan IIT Kharagpur

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Hey Siddharth, 

Further to my reply on your previous post, when we talk about an MTech degree and a MBA degree, we are talking about two different kinds of career. With an MTech degree, you enter a company with your field of technical specialization and you will obviously be doing more technical work in your initial years. However, every organisation tries to ensure that an employee has good growth opportunities in order to retain the employees. So after your first few years, though you will remain in the technical line, you work will be more about managing people than the technical work itself. Also, most companies offer you opportunites to migrate from one department to another with your experience in the company. You can eventually grow to take the top position in the organisation in this line too.

However, if you graduate with a PGDM from the IIMs, the nature of work is very managerial in nature and you grow at a much faster rate that in the conventional technical line. 



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