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Hello,I am currently doing BE Electrical second year. I am interested in doing M tech only from the IITs. Is it an added advantage to my BE degree? What will my job be like?After M tech can i go for an MBA degree? Normally a lot of students go for B Tech (IIT) and MBA (IIM) which is said to be the best combination. Is M tech (IIT) and MBA (IIM) similarly beneficial or is a better option? Do i have an advantage of holding two masters degrees?

Siddharth Bhattbhatt , 14 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Kishan IIT Kharagpur

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Hi Siddharth

An MTech from an IIT is a very good option if you are looking towards a research career. This is mainly because you have a good chance to come up with publications in reputed journals and also obtain recommendations from reputed professors to go abroad for a PhD However, the job scenario for the MTech students is not really as great as it is for the undergraduate students who enter the institute through IIT JEE exam.

I know a student who pursued MTech in IIT Kharagpur and went into an IIMs a couple of years ago. However, I have never come across another such instances.

However, if your sole aim is to do an MBA, I think it is a better option to do that immediately after your BE or do it after some work experience after BE. Work experiences counts while selection in IIMs, but an extra degree will not give you any advantage.


Askiitians Expert

Kishan Srinivas

Siddharth Bhattbhatt

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Thanks a lot for your immediate response.


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