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Respected sir,I have just completed my class 12 and am through with all my entrance exams.Unfortunately,I could neither clear my IIT nor get a good rank in AIEEE.I must admit that it is completely my fault as I wasted my entire time doing practically nothing.Also during the initial part of my preparation many teachers and professors told me that I could clear JEE easily so it kind of got into my head resulting in me neglecting my studies owing to a serious attitude problem.So i wanted to know if it is a good idea to take a year break and study for JEE?

suraj varier , 14 Years ago
anser 2 Answers
Shane Macguire

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Suraj,

First of all i want to advice you that stop feeling guilty, whatever has passed do not regret on that, but you should learn your mistakes from yopur past, and according to me you are doing so .

Now as you are saying that your teachers said that you can easily clear the JEE, but unfortunately you din't , then you must understand that you have the potential to clear the JEE, but for that yopu need to do lots of labour, which you lacked this time.

So if you are sure that you will work hard for the next attempt then only you need to drop a year else, dropping your year would be worthless.

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Amit Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Suraj,

I would advise you to drop only if u are sure that u ll study hard..  otherwise it will be a huge waste of time .. so think clearly and make a decision .. cracking IIT is not difficult task as it only needs one thing that is hard work.. even last year IIT topper was a one year dropper ..so its all up to you .. if you realy wanna get into IITs thn work hard and forget everything for atleast one year ..if u ll go this way ..thn i m sure u ll crack iit ..

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