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sir..is college of engineering tiruvanathapuram a good one for mech?i might get some NIT in north side...which are not tht famous..i will also get in EML...i got 138 marks in jee..nd i m in OBC...sir does it makes a difference..taking mech from IIT,NIT,other top colleges..nd goin for work in Oil and Gas companies..does the salaries vary much???pls reply soooon

arjun jacob , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Kevin Nash

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Arjun,

The queries that you have asked , it seems to be that you are bit confused, so first of all make it clear that in which feild are you intrested

Now as it seems from your queries that you are intreseted in Mechanical, so if you mangae to get the IIT's then definately that would be the best option for you else NIT's would be the other better option for that.

Now if we talk about the salaries and packages then you have very slight differnce in them , an IITians would be definately prefered than an NITian, but overall you will find they they accquire same position while working throughout the same environment.

As far as if we talk about the difference in levels of different engineering colleges of INDIA then IIT'S and NIT'S would be prefered first and rest of them shoud be choosed according to their reputation.

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Akhilesh Shukla

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