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sir wat is the cutoff rank to get admission in School of petroleum ,Gandhinagar??plssss replyyy

arjun jacob , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Amit Askiitiansexpert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Arjun, 

For Admission in school of petroleum.. one shud be shortlisted in EML  list.  It is the list of candidates drawn up with some further relaxation in the aggregate cut-off beyond the cut-off of the JEE-2008 common merit list. These EML candidates have not qualified in JEE-2008 and thus are not eligible for admissions to IITs, IT-BHU, and ISMU.

Use of EML – Some of the MHRD/Other Government of India Institutions uses the extended merit list of JEE for admissions to their institutions. All the candidates who are declared qualified in the extended merit list should lookout for the advertisement and apply to the following institutes directly for admission or for further details.

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Askiitians Expert
Amit - IT BHU

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