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<p>how many hours a day do i need to study to get 500 rank in iitjee i am presently in class 12 and going to appear for iitjee 2011</p>

akshay deshneni , 14 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 1 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Akshay

Now as far as time managment is concerned, you need to schedule definite timings foe each paticular subject .

Self study matters a lot, self study means apart from all other studies, the total time that you devote for the study of yourself

It would be tter for you if you follow the following schedule.

Physics: 2 hrs a day self study apart from tutions and school time.

chemisrty: 2 hrs a day apart from tution and school timings.

Maths:    3 hrs a day apart from tutions and school.

this schedule is only for your self study.

Now in tutions whatever you do daily, go with the quick revision at that very moment after the completion of the topic, in all subjects. Note that this rhythm shoulsd not break any how.

focus on analytical topics rather than theoratical topics.

for further information you vist the following link :


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