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Hi is Morrison and Boyd good enough for organic chem as ive heard it contains irrelevant material given its volume... If not could u suggest a better book for strengthening my concepts in Organic... I also use Arihant...

varun marwah , 14 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear varun

Morrision and Boyd if recommended book for jee prepration.Since this book is not specially written for IIT JEE,so its contain the matter other than JEE syllabus.

You should reed only those part which is included in jee syllabus.as a whole ,this book is very good for organic chemistry.


Solomn is also good book for IIT JEE prepration.

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Simran Bhatia

Last Activity: 14 Years ago

Dear Varun ,

Morrison and Boyd is the best known book for organic chemistry , despite it contains lots of irrelevant materail, then to also its a best book .

Do not get confused in lots of books because concepts are same in almost every books only  way of presentation changes, you can continue with the same book .

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