Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> Solving Physics problems had been such a ...
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Solving Physics problems had been such a difficult thing for me that even after qualifying JEE-ADV it remains.What is the perfect strategy to solve a Physics problem? What must be the correct approach , process of arranging concepts and formulae , intermingling of various concepts and finally application ? Its better to know late than never to know.Please describe the process in a way easy to understand. I enjoy Physics but solving it is difficult.I want to overcome this disability and play with it in my furthur studies.Can I choose EEE,ECE,Mechanical,etc .Should I revise JEE syll once again?Please answer patiently.Brother/Sister your suggestions are valuable

R K YASHASVI , 9 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Nishant Vora

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Please focus on basics and also try to solve questions in which many concepts are involved at once.
You can check our self study material also on our website once here is the link



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