Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> Sir/Madam , I got 76.8% in XII cbse board...
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Sir/Madam , I got 76.8% in XII cbse board and 70 marks in JEE Mains so I want to ask that should I drop the year or get admission in any private college? If,drop, than will dropping a year will affect me in the futurein geting a placement in a good company?

Kartikey Sharma , 9 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Nicho priyatham

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

You got a very less percentage in cbse board so dont drop an year join private collages
droping an year will not effect in future in getting placements u can add “i lost a seat due to mistakes done by our invegilator i was damm confident of getting a seat if i drop an year” so in this way u can add to ur self confidance in placemrnt intervew
anyway their is a talk of crashing second chance for iit from next year
so dont repeat    

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