Flag Discuss with colleagues and IITians> I am preparing for jee on my own and i wa...
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I am preparing for jee on my own and i wanted to clear one thing should we learn only the topic that are given on the site sylabusjee advance? Eg only keto-enol tautomerism is given but there are so many other types of tsutomerism so should we learn only keto- kenol or all the other types to?

Topper , 9 Years ago
Grade 11
anser 2 Answers
Vijay Mukati

Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Dear Student, First thing is that you should go through the syllabus completely. The given syllabus is in breief and hence the subtopics are not mentioned there. Therefore I will suggest you to buy atleast complete study material so that you will get to know all the topics as well as the good solved question which you can practice. Thanks.


Last Activity: 9 Years ago

Thanks a lot sir.... So i should do everything.. The portion is just the main ones.. Thank u

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