Flag Analytical Geometry> What is the least distance between (0,12)...
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What is the least distance between (0,12) and (a(t^2),2at) where a is constant and t is variable.

Anuj , 6 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 1 Answers
Sukant Kumar

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Let the distance between the given points be D, then we know that
D=\sqrt{(at^2)^2 + (2at-12)^2}
D=\sqrt{(a^2t^4) + (4a^2t^2+144-48at)}
D=\sqrt{a^2t^4+ 4a^2t^2-48at+144}
Let, as when f(t) will be minimum and then D will also be minimum,
f``(t)=a(12at^2+8a) > 0, \forall, t \in R,
hence f’(t) is monotonically increasing. Minimum of f(t) is when f`(t) reaches zero. The answer thus depends on the value of a and cannot be resolved easily in terms of a. So let us say that at t1 the value of f`(t) is zero and f(t) is minimum, right? Then,
f`(t_1)=4at^3+8at-48=0 \rightarrow f(t) = a^2t_1^4+4a^2t_1^2-48at_1=at_1(at_1^3)+4a^2t_1^2-48at_1=at_1(\frac{48-8at_1}{4})+4a^2t_1^2-48at_1=2a^2t_1^2-36at_1=2at_1(at_1-18))
Hence, the expression doesn’t resolve to a constant value and the minimum distance will not have a uniform expression for different values of a.

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