
If the vertices of triangles are placed at (0,0), (0,6), (6,0). The prove that the distance between the orthocentre and circumcentre is 3 root2.

If the vertices of triangles are placed at (0,0), (0,6), (6,0). The prove that the distance between the orthocentre and circumcentre is 3 root2.


1 Answers

Ajay Verma
askIITians Faculty 33 Points
10 years ago
As we know the.. orthocentre is the point of intersection of altitudes of the triangle...
soo for right angle triangle.. orthocenter is the vertex itself on which right angle is made..
Circumcentre : circumcentre is the poin of intersection of the perpendicular bisector of the sides of the triangle..
so for rightangle triangle... circumcentre is the midpoint of the hypotenuse..


so distance b/w Orhtocentre and Circumcentre is
OD = (32+ 32)1/2
= 3*(2)1/2

thanks and regards

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