
If a line is passing through a pair of parallel straight lines and it divides the the parallel lines in a ratio the ratio??

If a line is passing through a pair of parallel straight lines and it divides the the parallel lines in a ratio the ratio??


1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
7 years ago
Dear Student,
The quantity of parallel lines must be 3 for this application.This hypothesis is called block hypothesis where at least 3 lines are caught by transversals. 
It expresses that, if 3 parallel lines converge 2 transversals then the portions caught on the transversals are corresponding. 
for e.g., if the parallel lines are cut by transversals and proportion in which first transversal cuts the 2 parallel lines is a:b and the second one cuts them in c:d, at that point 
=>a:b = c:d 
=>a/c = b/d [Ans]
Vikas (B. Tech. 4th year
Thapar University)

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