
Find the locus of the focus of an ellipse with major axis 4 and Minor axis 2, which touches both the co-ordinate axes... Kindly Answer My question.... And also the one that I have posted before this....!!!

Find the locus of the focus of an ellipse with major axis 4 and Minor axis 2, which touches both the co-ordinate axes...

Kindly Answer My question.... And also the one that I have posted before this....!!!

Grade:upto college level

2 Answers

Ajay Verma
askIITians Faculty 33 Points
10 years ago

203-1290_120220141553 - Copy.jpg

Thanks and Regards,
Ajay verma,
askIITians faculty,
Pranjal K
23 Points
10 years ago
Sir, What if the ellipse touches the co-ordinate axes not in the way that you have mentioned but in a slanted way, ie., such that the major axis makes some angle with the x-axis (like when an ellipse slides between the co-ordinate axes)? Sir, You haven`t mentioned such a case....

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