
Distances from the origin to the three circles x2+y2-2px=c2 where c is constant and p is available, and are in GP prove that length of tangent drawn from any point on the circle x2+y2=c2 .to the 3 circle are also in GP.?

Distances from the origin to the three circles x2+y2-2px=c2 where c is constant and p is available, and are in GP prove that length of tangent drawn from any point on the circle x2+y2=c2 .to the 3 circle are also in GP.?


1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
5 years ago
Dear student

Please repost the question with clear equations to minimize ambiguity
better post image of the question or source

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