Flag Analytical Geometry> A company manufactures two types of cardi...
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A company manufactures two types of cardigans type A and type B. It cost ₹360 to make a type a Cardigan and ₹120 to make type b Cardigan. The company can make at most 300 cardigans and spend at most ₹72000 a day. The number of cardigans of type B cannot exceed the number of cardigans of type A by more than 200. The company makes a profit of ₹100 for every Cardigan of type a and ₹50 for every Cardigan of type b. Formulate this problem as a Linear programming problem to maximize the profit to the company solve it graphically and find maximum profit

Priyansh , 8 Years ago
Grade 12
anser 2 Answers
Deepak Kumar Shringi

Last Activity: 6 Years ago


Vaishnavi mishra

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Let number of cardigons of type A be x and that of type B be y,thenO

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