
A circle touches two adjacent sides of a rectangle AB and AD at points P and Q respectively . Third vertex C of the rectangle lies on the circle . The length of perpendicular from vertex C to the chord PQ is 5 . Find the area of rectangle

A circle touches two adjacent sides of a rectangle AB and AD at points P and Q respectively . Third vertex C of the rectangle lies on the circle . The length of perpendicular from vertex C to the chord PQ is 5 . Find the area of rectangle


1 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
8 years ago
Draw the suitable diagram for the given question and U would automqtically knw what do next.
After drawing join the line PQ which also subtends 45 degree angle.
Now try to recall pythogorus formulae and apply on formed trianlges to ย get the sides of rectangle relations.

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