Flag Analytical Geometry> Reflection of a line...
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Maybe it's not a question for IIT, but I need to know the answer urgently. It would be great if you could help. It is a data sufficiency question. Could you please explain the answer. Also, if you are aware of any formula related to the reflection of a line about x-axis, or about y-axis or about any other line, please let me know. thanksQ.A line with the equation y = px + q is reflected over the line y = x. Is the reflection of this line parallel to the line y = mx + n?(1) m = p + 2(2) m = 3p

Avinash Pandey , 13 Years ago
anser 1 Answers
Chetan Mandayam Nayakar

Last Activity: 13 Years ago

y=px+q is inclined at tan-1p to x-axis, y=x is angle bisector of y=px+q and its reflection, angle between y=x and y=px+q is

(π/4)-tan-1p this is equal to angle between y=x and the reflection of y=px+q over y=x

therefore angle between reflection and x-axis= (pi/4)+(pi/4)-tan-1p=(pi/2)-tan-1p=cot-1p, slope of this line=(1/p)=m

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