vikas askiitian expert
Last Activity: 14 Years ago
eq of tangent to ellipse is given by
y = mx +(-) (a2m2+b2)1/2
it cuts the coordinate axis at [ 0, (a2m2+b2)1/2 ] & [ (a2m2+b2)1/2/m , 0 ]
area formed by these points & origin is
A = (1/2) [ (a2m2+b2)/m ]
now using maxima minima concept
diffenentiating this eq wrt m & after putting it to 0 we get
m2a2 - b2 = 0
m = +(-) (b/a)
so , area can be
A = (2b2)a/2b = ab ( at m = b/a)
this is the minimum area of the triangle formed by tangent and coordinate axis....