
What is the genral formula for converting the X,Y co-ordinates in Radius,Theta system?

What is the genral formula for converting the X,Y co-ordinates in Radius,Theta system?


1 Answers

vikas askiitian expert
509 Points
13 years ago

these are different in different cases ...


in case of ellipse (X,Y) = (acos@,bsin@)                     X2/a2 + Y2/b2 = 1


in case of circle (X,Y) = (Rcos@,Rsin@)                (X2+Y2 = R2)


in case of hyperbola (X,Y) = (asec@,btan@)                X2/a2 - Y2/b2 = 1


these are chosen in such a way so that it can satisfy the curve ....

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