The probability of hitting a Target by 3 marksmen is 1/2,1/3 and 1/4 respectively . Find the probability that one and only one of them will hit the target when they fire simultaneously
Maharshi , 7 Years ago
Grade 12
2 Answers
Vikas TU
Last Activity: 7 Years ago
Dear Student, As from the given data, Given individual probabilites are:
P(A) = 3/5 P(A') = 2/5 ( probability of A hitting and not hitting )
P(B) = 2/5 P(B') = 3/5
P(C) = 3/4 P(C') = 1/4
Exactly two of them hit:
= P( A & B hits & C misses ) + P( A & C hits & B misses ) + P( B & C hits & A misses )