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What is a binomial expression?

Harshit Singh , 0 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Pawan Prajapati

Last Activity: 0 Years ago

A binomial expression is a mathematical expression that consists of two terms separated by an operation, typically addition or subtraction. The term ""binomial"" comes from the Latin word ""bi"" meaning ""two"" and ""nomial"" referring to terms. A binomial expression is usually written in the form (a + b) or (a - b), where ""a"" and ""b"" are variables or constants. The terms within the parentheses are called the binomial terms, and the plus or minus sign between them indicates whether they are added or subtracted. Binomial expressions are commonly encountered in algebra, and they play a crucial role in various mathematical concepts, such as binomial expansion, factorization, and polynomial arithmetic. They can be simplified, expanded, or manipulated using different algebraic operations and properties. Here are a few examples of binomial expressions: (2x + 3y) (a^2 - b^2) (5a - 7b) (x + y - z) Each of these expressions consists of two terms connected by either a plus or minus sign, making them binomial expressions.

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