
The Number of 6 digit numbers that can be formed in decimal system in which every succeeding digit is greater than its preceding digit, is h

The Number of 6 digit numbers that can be formed in decimal system in which every succeeding digit is greater than its preceding digit, is



2 Answers

Parvez ali
askIITians Faculty 47 Points
10 years ago
in decimal system we have 10 distinct digits ,6 digits can be selected by 10C6 ways from 10 distint digits, if we have to arrange these 6 digits in increasing order then there will be only one way of arranging so total number of such 6 digit numbers are 10C6

Thanks & Regards
Parvez Ali
askIITians Faculty

Parvez ali
askIITians Faculty 47 Points
10 years ago


Thanks & Regards
Parvez Ali
askIITians Faculty

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