Flag Physical Chemistry> ncert biology alone is enough to get meri...
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ncert biology alone is enough to get merit mark in neet?

E.Nandhini ketha , 7 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

Ncert biology!Neet -90 question of zoo + bot Out of 90 questions At least 75 questions are from ncert directly or indirectly.Chances may be 80- 82.Out of these 68- 70 questions are direct ncert line to line questions 7- 10 indirect that is from summary or additional data given in last pages of both 11th and 12th.And twisted lines of intext chapters.So one could get At least 300 marks just by reading ncert biology both 11th and 12th thoroughly. With gentle understanding.Which is prerequisite for a handsome score in Neet.All the best!

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