
If i will fail in the exam by 1 or 2 marks , then can i give the exam next year also.

If i will fail in the exam by 1 or 2 marks , then can i give the exam next year also. 


2 Answers

Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
9 years ago
Dear Student, If you are talking about the school exams then yes you can definetely reappear in the same class again and can give the exam next year. But there may be some conditions that varies from school to school.
571 Points
9 years ago
Most schools and teachers give grace marks to students who fail by 1 or 2 marks. But if it’s the BOARD EXAM you’re talking about then you’d have to answer a supplementary exam as per CBSE. i guess it takes place after a few months, not exactly a year

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