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I want study plan for neet preparation can i get a help from you

Nischitha j Shetty , 4 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 4 Answers
Saurabh Koranglekar

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student

Please find the link attached




Last Activity: 4 Years ago

Dear student
I think that you should make your plan yourself as youisthe follower of that. Hence you verywell know how to execute


Last Activity: 4 Years ago

follow your own plan dont follow others because you are the only person who know yourself
hope this will help you

Vikas TU

Last Activity: 4 Years ago

First of all it's not about studying hard it's about studying smart. The problem with most of the medical aspirants is that they aren't very well aware of the syllabus.

If you make yourself aware of the syllabus your work is half done. Believe it or not but the syllabus of the NEET is amongst the easiest of all ( when compared to exams like JEE ADVANCED etc..) You just need to stick to the syllabus and focus on NCERT.

Most of the time, coaching classes and your bachmates use all the kinds of study material including a lot of books and notes. But believe me it's not the quantity of your knowledge that matters in the examination hall but the extent to which you have practiced the basics. So don't give a shit to what people around you are focusing on. Make a and focus on it.

Distractions are an obvious thing at our age, but you need to keep this in your mind that every distraction is temprory but the goal you have is the source to permanent joy.

One possible way is by asking yourself one simple question every time you do something “ How will this help me in achieving my goal?” If the answer is not satisfactory enough. Just let it go .

At last, I would say work not just for your own dreams but for your family's dreams. Give them something to be proud of.

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most scoring topics for neet?for all the subjects : chemisrtry,biology and physics
aiims mbbs
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Last Activity: 2 Years ago