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What are decomposers? Name any two of them. What do they do in the forest?

Jitender Pal , 11 Years ago
Grade 9
anser 7 Answers
Amit Saxena

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

Decomposers are micro-organisms that convert the dead plants and animals to humus.

Bacteria and fungi are the two types of decomposers.

They help in the process of recycling of nutrients by decomposing various dead organisms such as plants and animals to form humus.

Karan Malhotra

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

Decomposers have very vital role to play in the forests. Decomposers feed on the remains of dead animals and plants, also they decay the bio degradable waste. They convert waste into the usable form by plants. Thus they remove the waste substances from the forest and helps in maintating a clean ecosystem. Fungi and bacterias act as decomposers.

Prajwal kr

Last Activity: 11 Years ago

Decomposers decompose the waste matter and convert them to nutrients to the soil. They increase fertility. Eg: Vultures, bacteria in the soil.

Raghav Gupta

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Organism which feed on dead bodies are called decomposers. They replemis the nutrients by cleaning forest off decaying dead bodies. Two example are betles and bacteria .

Akachdeep Medhi

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

Decomposer are the organisms that decompose the dead organic matter ( like: dead bodies ) and enrich the soil by giving back the nutrients to it.
For eg: Some of the bacteria and fungi.

Francis Reddy

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

oraganisms such as bacteria and fungi are known as decomposres which decompose matter that cannot be docomposed by us . if decomposers are not there our planet would be stinking and would be a dead planet

Scholr Boy

Last Activity: 6 Years ago


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Decomposers are micro-organisms that convert the dead plants and animals to humus.

Bacteria and fungi are the two types of decomposers.

They help in the process of recycling of nutrients by decomposing various dead organisms such as plants and animals to form humus.

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