Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1

Question: 1

The number of hours, spent by a school boy on different activities in a working day, is given below:

Activities Sleep School Home Play Others Total
Number of hours 8 7 4 2 3 24

Present the information in the form of a pie-chart.


We know:

Central angle of a component = (component value / sum of component values × 360) Here, total number of hours = 24

Thus, the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

Activity Number of hours Sector angle
Sleep 8 8/24 × 360 = 120°
School 7 7/24 × 360 = 105°
Home 4 4/24 × 360 = 60°
Play 2 2/24 × 360 = 30°
Others 3 3/24 × 360 = 45°\

Now, the pie chat that represents the given data can be constructed by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Draw a circle of an appropriate radius.

Step 2: Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.

Step 3: Choose the largest central angle. Here, the largest central angle is 120°. Draw a sector with the central angle 120° in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another

radius is in its counter-clockwise direction.

Step 4: Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise direction in descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.

Step 5: Shade the sectors with different colours and label them as shown as in the figure below.

Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1


Question: 2

Employees of a company have been categorized according to their religions as give

Religions Hindu Muslim Sikh Christian Total
Number of workers 420 300 22 10 108

Draw a pie-chart to represent the above information.


We know:

Central angle of a component = (component value / sum of component values     3

Here, total number of workers = 1050

Thus, the central angle for each component can be calculated as follows:

Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1

Note: The total number of workers is 1050, not 1080.

Now, the pie chat that represents the given data can be constructed by following the steps below:

Step 1 : Draw circle of an appropriate radius.

Step 2 : Draw a vertical radius of the circle drawn in step 1.

Step 3 : Choose the largest central angle. Here, the largest central angle is 144o. Draw a sector with the central angle 144o in such a way that one of its radii coincides with the radius drawn in step 2 and another

radius is in its counter clockwise direction.

Step 4 : Construct other sectors representing other items in the clockwise direction in the descending order of magnitudes of their central angles.

Step 5 : Shade the sectors with different colours and label them as shown as in the figure below.

Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1


Question: 3

In one day the sales (in rupees) of different items of a baker's shop are given below:

Items Ordinary bread Fruit bread Cakes and Pastries Biscuits Others Total
Sales (in Rs) 260 40 100 60 20 480

Draw a pie-chart representing the above sales.


Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1

Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1


Question: 4

The following data shows the expenditure of a person on different items during a month. Represent the data by a pie-chart.

Items of expenditure Rent Education Food Clothing Others
Amount (in Rs) 2700 1800 2400 1500 2400


Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1

Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1


Question: 5

The percentages of various categories of workers in a state are given in the following table.

Categoies Culti-vators Agricultural Labourers Industrial Workers Commercial Workers Others
% of workers 40 25 12.5 10 12.5

Present the information in the form a pie-chart.


Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1

Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1


Question: 6

The following table shows the expenditure incurred by a publisher in publishing a book:

Items Paper Printing Binding Advertising Miscellaneous
Expenditure (in%) 35% 20% 10% 5% 30%

Present the above data in the form of a pie-chart.


Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1

Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1


Question: 7

Percentage of the different products of a village in a particular district are given below. Draw a pie-chart representing this information.

Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1


Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1

Data Handling III (Pictorial Representation of Data as Pie Charts or Circle Graphs) Exercise 25.1

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