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Free Demo Classes, Schedule Now askIITians conducts free demo classes every day for students looking for an online coaching program with us for JEE Main/Advanced. These classes are exclusively conducted by IITians with minimum 7 years of teaching experience. These free demo classes will give you an idea of the quality of classes that we provide. These demos let you explore online class environments and leave it on you to determine whether online learning is suitable for you. You can get demo classes for all the subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Biology. These demos are absolutely free. We also provide online JEE Main/Advanced preparation, JEE Main/Advanced Test Series, JEE Main/Advanced study materials and JEE Main/Advanced doubt removal sessions. If you are up for a free demo class, you will need: 1. Internet connection [Minimum of 512 kbps] 2. Headphone / Earphone 3. Latest Flash player (if you play Youtube or videos, it means you have flash payer) 4. Mozilla (preferred) or Google Chrome Browser 5. Microphone Note: Microphone is not a necessity. If you do not have it, you can interact with the representing IITian through chat. Register for free Demo Classes Please enter your details Name : Mobile : +91 Afghanistan (+93)Albania (+355)Algeria (+213)American Somoa (+684)Andorra (+376)Angola (+244)Anguilla (+1264)Antarctica (+672)Antigua and Barbuda (+268)Argentina (+54)Armenia (+374)Aruba (+297)Australia (+61)Austria (+43)Azerbaijan (+994)Bahamas (+1)Bahrain (+973)Bangladesh (+880)Barbados (+1246)Belarus (+375)Belgium (+32)Belize (+501)Benin (+229)Bhutan (+975)Bosnia and Herzegovina (+387)Botswana (+267)Bouvet Island (+47)Brazil (+55)British Indian Ocean Territory (+246)Brunei Darussalam (+673)Bulgaria (+359)Burkina Faso (+226)Burundi (+257)Cambodia (+855)Cameroon (+237)Canada (+1)Cape Verde (+238)Cayman Islands (+1345)Central African Republic (+236)Chad (+235)Chile (+56)China (+86)Cocos (Keeling) Islands (+61)Colombia (+57)Comoros (+269)Congo (+242)Cook Islands (+682)Costa Rica (+506)Croatia (+385)Cuba (+53)Cyprus (+357)Czech Republic (+420)Denmark (+45)Djibouti (+253)Dominica (+1767)Dominican Republic (+849)East Timor (+670)Ecuador (+593)Egypt (+20)El Salvador (+503)Equatorial Guinea (+240)Eritrea (+291)Estonia (+372)Ethiopia (+251)Falkland Islands (+500)Faroe Islands (+298)Fiji (+679)Finland (+358)France (+33)French Guiana (+594)French Polynesia (+682)French Southern and Antarctic Lands (+262)Gabon (+241)Gambia (+220)Georgia (+995)Germany (+49)Ghana (+233)Gibraltar (+350)Greece (+30)Greenland (+299)Grenada (+473)Guadaloupe (+590)Guam (+1671)Guatemala (+502)Guinea (+224)Guinea-Bissau (+245)Guyana (+592)Haiti (+509)Heard Island and McDonald Islands (+0)Honduras (+504)Hong Kong (+852)Hungary (+36)Iceland (+354)India (+91)Indonesia (+62)Iran (+98)Iraq (+964)Ireland (+353)Israel (+972)Italy (+39)Ivory Coast (+225)Jamaica (+1876)Japan (+81)Jordan (+962)Kazakhstan (+7)Kenya (+254)Kiribati (+686)Kuwait (+965)Kyrgyzstan (+996)Laos (+856)Latvia (+371)Lebanon (+961)Lesotho (+266)Liberia (+231)Libya (+212)Liechtenstein (+423)Lithuania (+370)Luxembourg (+352)Macau (+853)Macedonia (+389)Madagascar (+261)Malawi (+265)Malaysia (+60)Maldives (+960)Mali (+223)Malta (+356)Marshall Islands (+692)Martinique (+596)Mauritania (+222)Mauritius (+230)Mayotte (+269)Mexico (+52)Micronesia (+691)Moldova (+373)Monaco (+377)Mongolia (+976)Montserrat (+1664)Morocco (+212)Mozambique (+258)Myanmar (+95)Namibia (+264)Nauru (+674)Nepal (+977)Netherlands (+31)Netherlands Antilles (+599)New Caledonia (+687)New Hebrides (+415)New Zealand (+64)Nicaragua (+505)Niger (+227)Nigeria (+234)Niue (+683)Norfolk Island (+672)North Korea (+850)Northern Mariana Islands (+670)Norway (+47)Oman (+968)Pakistan (+92)Palau (+680)Palestinian Territory, Occupied (+970)Panama (+507)Papua New Guinea (+675)Paraguay (+595)Peru (+51)Philippines (+63)Pitcairn (+870)Poland (+48)Portugal (+351)Puerto Rico (+1787)Qatar (+974)Republika Srpska (+387)Reunion (+262)Romania (+40)Russia (+7)Rwanda (+250)Samoa (+684)San Marino (+378)Sao Tome and Principe (+239)Saudi Arabia (+966)Senegal (+221)Serbia (+381)Seychelles (+248)Sierra Leone (+232)Singapore (+65)Slovakia (+421)Slovenia (+386)Solomon Islands (+677)Somalia (+252)South Africa (+27)South Korea (+82)Spain (+34)Sri Lanka (+94)St. Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla (+1869)St. Helena (+290)St. Lucia (+758)St. Pierre and Miquelon (+508)St. Vincent (+1784)Sudan (+249)Surinam (+597)Svalbard and Jan Mayen (+47)Swaziland (+268)Sweden (+46)Switzerland (+41)Syria (+963)Taiwan (+886)Tajikistan (+992)Tanzania (+255)Thailand (+66)Timor-Leste (+670)Togo (+228)Tokelau Islands (+690)Tonga (+676)Trinidad and Tobago (+868)Tunisia (+216)Turkey (+90)Turkmenistan (+993)Turks and Caicos Islands (+649)Tuvalu (+688)Uganda (+256)Ukraine (+380)United Arab Emirates (+971)United Kingdom (+44)United state Miscellaneous Pacific Islands (+1)United States of America (+1)Uruguay (+598)Uzbekistan (+998)Vanuatu (+678)Vatican City (+379)Venezuela (+58)Vietnam (+84)Virgin Islands (U.S.) (+1340)Virgin Islands, British (+1284)Wallis and Futana (+681)West Indies (+1)Western Sahara (+212)Yemen (+967)Yugoslavia (+381)Zaire (+243)Zambia (+260)Zimbabwe (+263) Email Id : Grade : --Select Grade-- 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12th pass Subject : --Select Subject for trial-- Maths Physics Chemistry Biology Science Demo Date : askIITians offers various types of courses. We have one year program for those who are studying in 12th standard and two year course for those who are studying in 11th standard. We offer foundation courses for those studying in 8th, 9th and 10th standards. We also offer hard copies of Comprehensive Study Material, All India Test Series, Daily Practice Papers, Recorded Classes for JEE (Main/Advanced) / Any state level Engineering Exams, Medical Exams and Doubt Removal Sessions (One-on-One). Apart from all these, we offer customized courses like Olympiads (National & International), NTSE, KVPY or SAT exams.
askIITians conducts free demo classes every day for students looking for an online coaching program with us for JEE Main/Advanced. These classes are exclusively conducted by IITians with minimum 7 years of teaching experience.
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