Flag Zoology> Which one of the following statement is f...
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Which one of the following statement is false with respect of viability of mammalians sperm?1) viability of sperm is determined by its motility2)sperms must be concentrate in a thick suspension3)sperms viable for only up to 24hrs4)survival of sperm depends on the pH of the medium and is more active in alkaline medium

sheema , 6 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers
Simran Vinaik

Last Activity: 6 Years ago

The false statement is 3 where it says that sperm in only viale upto 24 hours. This is wrong because sperm are viable for 24- 48 hours.

Other statements are correct. Sperm viability is determined by its motility. Also it is concentrated by semen.Thealkaline environmentof seminal fluid helps to neutralize theacidicvaginal pH and to maintain spermmotility andviability.

So the Ans is 3.

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