
which one of the following is a most efficient device to eliminate particulate matter from the industrial emissions cyclonic separators trajectory separators electrostatic precipitator scrubbeer

which one of the following is a most efficient device to eliminate particulate matter from the industrial emissions
  1. cyclonic separators
  2. trajectory separators 
  3. electrostatic precipitator
  4. scrubbeer


2 Answers

askIITians Faculty 164 Points
9 years ago
Hello Student
Correct Answer is 3) Electrostatic Precipitator
Electrostatic Precipitator is the most efficient device to eliminate the submicron partuculates from the indrustrial emmissions.
In this device the particulates are first charged and then collected on an electrode or hanging pipe. Then these are remaved byhanging the pipes with hammers.
Raheema Javed
156 Points
9 years ago
The most efficient device to eliminate particulate matter from industrial emmissions is (3) Electrostatic Precipitator

They can collect particles sized 0.1 to 10 microns very efficiently. They are generally more efficient at collecting fine particles than scrubbers or cyclones.
Electrostatic precipitators take advantage of the electrical principle that opposites attract. A high voltage electrode negatively charges airborne particles in the exhaust stream. As the exhaust gas passes through this electrified field, the particles are charged. Typically 20,000 to 70,000 volts are used. A large, grounded flat metal surface acts as a collection electrode. Microscopic particles are attracted to this surface where they build-up to form a dust cake. Periodically, a rapper strikes the plate to knock the dust cake into a collection hopper.

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